
tamoadmin 成语出处 2024-06-09 0
  1. 请问英语里面“打某人的脸”怎么说?
  2. 求高2英语第4单元单词
  3. 鼓用英语怎么说drum
  4. 开拓者英文为什么是blazers?
  5. 热舞的英文怎么说?
  6. 英语单词 improve, enhance, boost,
  7. 全中的英语怎么说

Guided Writing:

There is a common phenonmenon that students retake classes after failing the College Entrance Examination. Is it worth? Opinions vary from person to person.

Some people are for the students’ retaking classes. They hold the view that only by graduating from college can students live a h***y life. The degree is of the most importance and is the key to well-paid company. Futhermore, a good college provides a unique environment in which their children learn how to get along well with others in society.


However, some people are against the phenonmenon that students retake classes. From their prospective ,what you are now is are now is the result of what you did in the past. There is no need retaking classes. The consequence won’t change. What’s more , it is a waste of time and money.

As far as I’m concerned, I am on those who are for students’ retaking classes after failing the College Entrance Examination. I won’t give up until I make every effort to achieve my goals. As the saying goes, no pains , no gains.




The media hype



英 ['mi?d?]

美 ['mi:di?]

n. 媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉



Media 媒体,传媒,新闻传媒

mass media 大众传媒,大众媒体,大众媒体

social media 社会化媒体,社交媒体,社会媒体


“打某人的脸”的英文:?Hit *** in the face

Hit 读法? 英?[h?t]?美?[h?t]?

1、vt. 打击;袭击;碰撞;偶然发现;伤…的感情

2、vi. 打;打击;碰撞;偶然碰上

3、n. 打;打击;(演出等)成功;讽刺


1、hit the spot?使人满足;正合需要;恰到好处

2、hit the headlines?成为新闻头条;被大肆宣传

3、hit the books?用功学习;准备功课

4、hit the target?射中靶子;达到目的

5、hit back?抵抗,反击








strike, beat, hit, thrash, whip这组词都有“打”的意思,其区别是:







高二英语Unit4 A garden of poems知识精讲 人教版

一. 本周教学内容:

Unit 4 A garden of poems

二. 教学目标:

1. Talk about English poetry.

2. Practise expressing intention and decision.

3. Learn about the Past Participle: used as an Adverbial

三. 教学重点与难点:

1. How to get a better understanding of the text?

2. Grammar of this unit

四. 具体内容:

1. Some words relating to the topic

classical literature 古典文学

contemporary literature 现代文学

popular literature 大众文学

folk literature 民间文学

epic poetry 史诗

narrative poem 叙事诗

modern verse 现代诗

prose poem 散文诗

pastoral poetry 田园诗

lyric poem 抒情诗

ode 颂歌

sonnet 十四行诗

limerick 五行打油诗

line 行

verse, stanza 节

rhyme 韵脚

2. poem, poetry, poet

He asked us to write a poem about summer after class.(诗歌,诗词)

This is a book of poetry which I liked best.(诗集)

Li Bai and Dufu are the best poets in Chinese history.(诗人)

3. get through

I finally got through at twenty past eleven.(接通)

Get it through to him we must rest.(使人了解)

It is difficult to get through this book in such a short time.(完成)

She quickly got through all his money.(用完)

4. be mad with ***. = be angry with ***.

be mad about sth. = be angry at sth.

She was mad with me for losing the key.

They were mad about missing the train.

5. pattern

n. Over the next months their work pattern changed.

v. pattern oneself 模仿某人的样子

pattern sth. upon/ on. 仿照….式样制造事物

6. remind

remind ***. of sth.

You don’t need to remind people of their mistakes all the time.

remind ***. to do sth.

He reminds himself not to be late again.

remind ***. that

He had to remind her that her family was poor.

7. play with 巧妙利用; 讲究

play down 降低; 减弱

play off 从中渔利; 在….之间挑拨离间

play up 大肆宣传; 夸大某事的重要性

8. call up

This morning someone called up from the city centre and asked to see me at 2 in the afternoon.(打电话)

The commandar called up all his forces for the attack.(汇集)

9. stand out 明显;醒目;突出;坚持;支撑

Red stands out against a white background.

They stood out a storm.

10. absence

in the absence of 缺乏….时; 当….不在时

In the absence of these conditions, I am afraid we can’t work together.

le***e of absence 请***

absence of mind 心不在焉

absence from school 逃学

11. comparison 比较; 对比; 对照

There is no comparison between them.

My shoes are ***all in comparison with my sister’s.

12. come into being 出现; 产生; 形成

This is how his idea came into being.

13. extraordinary

extraordinary kindness 特别的和善

extraordinary weather 反常的天气

extraordinary power 特权

an envoy extraordinary 特使

extraordinary session 临时会议

14. board a train/ a ship/ a plane

15. fall into 进入(某种状态)

On hearing that, he fell into rage.

The story falls into three parts.

The river falls into the sea.

16. forget about 忘记一件事或一个过程; forget 忘记一件具体的东西

I forgot your request. 我忘记了你的请求。

I forgot about your request. 我忘记了你曾经提出过请求。


1. I could recite many ______ by Chinese writers when I was in junior middle school.

A. poetry B. poetries C. poem D. poems

2. In time of great danger, heroes seem always ______.

A. as cool as a cucumber

B. as merry as a lark

C. as mad as a door

D. as cold as a snake

3. The research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it.

A. begins B. h***ing begun C. beginning D. begun

4. Song Qingling was a(n) _______ woman who ever did much work for the progress of China.

A. hard-working B. painstaking C. outstanding D. life-loving

5. — I am very _____ with my own cooking. It looks nice and ***ells delicious.

— Mm. It does h***e a _____ ***ell.

A. pleasant; pleased

B. pleased; pleased

C. pleasant; pleasant

D. pleased; pleasant

6. — Do you think the Stars will the Bulls?

— Yes, they h***e better players. So I _____ them to win.

A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want

7. She stood ____ among the students by her beauty.

A. for B. out C. by D. up

8. The students ______ a line, and then walked into the museum.

A. gathered B. waited C. stood D form

9. The photos on the wall _______ grandma of these h***y old days when a large family lived together.

A. recall B. retain C. remember D. remind

10. Recently many chemical works _______ along the river, ______ cause a lot of pollution to the water.

A. came into being; that

B. h***e come into being; which

C. has come into being; what

D. come into being; when


1—5 DADCD 6—10 CBDDB




Americans love pets. Many pet owners treat their pets as part of the family. Sometimes they even play interesting videos for their pets or giving them amusing toys. If they h***e an eye for fashion, pet owners can dress their pets in stylish clothes. Sometimes they can use animal perfume (香水)to make their dogs ***ell good, less beastly.

In America, there are more households with pets than those with children. At least 43 percent of US homes h***e pets of some sort. Animals, such as monkeys, snakes and even wolves, find a home with some Americans. More common pets include tropical(热带的)fish, mice and birds. But the all-time f***orites are cats and dogs, even at the White House. Barney, the Bushes’ dog, has now become First Pet. Many stores sell tasty pet foods to owners eager to please their pets. In Houston, Texas, dogs can h***e their dinner delivered to their homes, just like pizza. Pets can even go on a vacation with their owners. Furry guests at Four Seansons Hotels can enjoy meals served on fine china and sleep in soft beds. Americans believe that pets h***e a right to be treated well. At least 75 animal welfare organizations exist in America. Veterinarians(兽医)can give animals medical care for a very high price. To pay for the high-tech health care, people can buy health insurance(保险)for their pets. Researchers h***e discovered that interacting with animals lowers a person’s blood pressure. Dogs can offer protection from thieves and unwelcome visitors.

Cats can help rid the home of unwanted pests. Little creatures of all shapes and sizes can provide friendship and love. Pets even encourage social relationships: They give their owners an ***earance of friendliness, and they provide a good topic of conversation. Pets are as basic to American culture as hot dogs or ***le pies. To Americans, pets are not just animals, but a part of the family. After all, pets are people, too.

1. ______ are used by Americans to make the lives of the pets more colorful.

A. Perfume and ***le pies

B. Regular showers

C. Videos and toys

D. Tasty pet foods

2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. Americans look on their pets as part of the family.

B. Four Seasons Hotel buy food for pets from China.

C. A mouse may be kept as a pet in America.

D. American people like to talk about pets in their spare time.

3. What does “First Pet” in the 2nd paragraph refer to?

A. The first pet raised by Americans.

B. The most important pet in the USA.

C. The most expensive pet in the USA.

D. The pet raised by the president.

4. The underlined word “interacting” most probably means _____.

A. keeping at home B. feeding

C. helping each other D. acting on each other

5. Which of the following is the best title for this text?

A. Pets in America.

B. How to Raise Pets.

C. Pets--- A high Cost

D. Animals in America.


Scientists studied works of art made at various times in history and found most of the people shown in these works of art are right-handed. So scientists guessed that right-handedness has always been common in humans through history. Because no one has ever come across records of any large groups of left-handed nations or people, scientists also guessed that right-handedness is a natural characteristic(特征)of humans. Today, only about 10 to 15 percent of the world’s population is left-handed.

Scientists now know that a person’s two hands each h***e every special jobs. For most people, the left hand is used to find things, hold things, or support things. The fright hand is used to handle or work with things. This division of work seems to be related to how the two sides of the brain work. The right side of the brain, which controls the left hand, is strong in skills related to making a person’s hands and eyes work together. The left side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is the center for thinking and solving problems. Studies h***e found that left-handedness is twice as common among artists than among people in other jobs.

What makes a person become right-handed rather than left-handed? So far, no one really knows for sure. Scientists h***e found that almost 40 percent of the people who suffer major brain damage when they are born become left-handed. However, not everyone who suffers brain damage becomes left-handed, so scientists guess that there must be another reason. One simple idea suggests that people normally get right-handedness from their parents. If a person does not receive the gene(基因)for right-handedness, he/she may become either right- or left-handed according to chance and the person’s surroundings.

Even though right-handedness is more common than left-handed are no longer looked down on, nor are they considered abnormal(反常的). Left-handed children used to be punished until they bean using their right hands like other children, but today either case is perfectly acceptable.

6. Which fact supports the idea that right-handedness is a natural characteristic?

A. Scientists found the right-handed gene.

B. Right-handed people are more clever.

C. Most famous people were right-handed.

D. No large left-handed groups of people exist in the world.

7. The second paragraph describes _____.

A. the two hands separately

B. problems that left-handed people h***e

C. the connection of the brain to the hands

D. how a person becomes left-handed

8. What makes a person right-handed

A. Genes B. Society.

C. The environment. D. No one knows for sure.

9. People sometimes become left-handed because ___.

A. it is accepted

B. the left hand is more artistic

C. their brain is damaged

D. right-handed children are punished

10. Suppose the world’s population is 6.5 billion, how many left-handed people are there?

A. About 2 billion. B. About 1 billion.

C. About 500 million. D. About 100 million.






6—10 D


或许你去这看看 id="id4">开拓者英文为什么是blazers?

在英语中,"drum" 的发音为 [dr?m]。其中,“d” 发音为 /d/,"r" 发音为 /r/,"u" 发音为 /?/,"m" 发音为 /m/。整体发音类似于 "druhm"。

当我们提到 "drum",除了表示乐器 "鼓",还可能涉及到以下相关意义和词组:

1. "打鼓":play the drum,指演奏鼓乐器的动作。

2. "鼓声":drumbeat,指鼓的节奏声音。

3. "击鼓动员":drum major,指带领和指挥军乐队或***队伍的大旗手。

4. "鼓槌":drumstick,指击打鼓的棍棒状器具。

5. "战鼓":war drum,指在战争中用于激励士气或传达指令的鼓。

6. "鼓点":drumroll,指以快速、连续的方式敲击鼓以增加效果或引起注意。

7. "敲鼓":beat the drum,用于比喻某人大肆宣传、鼓吹或宣扬某事物。

8. "击鼓传花":pass the buck,指将责任或问题转嫁给别人,类似于 "推卸责任"。

9. "鼓励某人做某事":beat the drum for someone/something,指积极支持或推广某人或某事物。

10. "节奏有误":off-beat,指在音乐或节奏中出现错误或不寻常的强调。

这些词语和词组是与 "drum" 相关的常见用法,可以根据具体情境和语境进行进一步应用。























英语单词 improve, enhance, boost,



音标:英 [dɑ?ns] 美 [d?ns]


n. 舞蹈;舞会;舞曲

vi. 跳舞;跳跃;飘扬

vt. 跳舞;使跳跃

adj. 舞蹈的;用于跳舞的

n. (Dance)人名;(英)丹斯;(法)当斯


song and dance 不着边际的废话;大肆宣扬

folk dance 民间舞蹈;土风舞

dance floor 舞池

modern dance 现代舞

last dance 最后的一舞

lion dance 舞狮


1、Will you dance with me?


2、They dance in a round.


3、The children dance round him in delight.


4、They reprised the elaborate dance music in the last act.


5、He escorted a girl to the dance.





改善; 改良; 改进; 增进



improve abilities


improve oneself in English


improve one's time

善用 时间



增加(价值、价格、力量、吸引力等); 提高; 增进; 放大

夸张; 宣扬

enhance combat readiness


enhance one's political consciousness


Health enhances beauty.




推; 升, 提

[美俚]加强[速], 增加[高]; 促进; 提高; 支援

[美俚]吹捧(候选人等); 宣传

电升[增]压; 放大


[俚]偷, ***

boost a person over a fence


an advertising program to boost local products abroad


这三个词是完全不同的,improve 侧重于改善,enhance 侧重于加强,有一种strengthen 的感觉,boost 加强,放大,有种故意的感觉。

全中的英语:?hit; All in

hit 读法 英 [h?t] 美 [h?t]?




1、hit the spot?使人满足;正合需要;恰到好处

2、hit the headlines?成为新闻头条;被大肆宣传

3、hit the books?用功学习;准备功课

4、hit the target?射中靶子;达到目的

5、hit back?抵抗,反击



strike, beat, hit, thrash这组词都有“打”的意思,其区别是:






strike 读法 英?[stra?k]?美?[stra?k]?

1、vi. 打,打击;***;敲,敲击;抓;打动;穿透

2、vt. 打,击;***;撞击,冲击;侵袭;打动;到达

3、n. ***;打击;殴打


1、strike fire?打火

2、hunger strike?n. 绝食***

3、strike twelve?获得最大成就;达到最高目标;显出全副本领

4、strike someone as?在某人看来似乎...

5、strike back?回击,反击